VA’s vs GPT’s for Sales Teams to Help with the Grunt Work: Which is Better?

VA’s vs GPT’s for Sales Teams to Help with the Grunt Work: Which is Better?

September 08, 20245 min read

VA’s vs GPT’s for Sales Teams to Help with the Grunt Work: Which is Better?

In today’s fast-paced sales environment, the difference between winning and losing often comes down to how efficiently sales teams handle the grunt work. With all the tasks salespeople juggle daily, the question of whether to use Virtual Assistants (VAs) or GPT-based AI systems to manage the "grunt work" is more relevant than ever. Both options have their merits, but which one really empowers sales teams to close more deals? Let’s break down the tasks and see which comes out on top.

At CF Closers, we believe every sales team should have a CRM that provides 100% visibility 24/7 while automating 90% of the work. This way, sales professionals can focus on what they do best—closing deals. We build it, train you, and support you every step of the way.

So, let’s dive in and explore how GPTs and VAs stack up in managing different aspects of sales operations:

1. Opportunity Summaries (OS)

Opportunity summaries are the bread and butter of any sales team. Traditionally, VAs have been used to extract and compile key information from CRMs, creating summaries that help salespeople prepare for calls or meetings. However, with the advent of GPTs, this process has become much more streamlined.

Most CRMs now claim they have AI features, but they’re really just connecting GPT-like systems to summarize your data. Imagine asking GPT, "What are my top five deals?" and getting an immediate answer, complete with key insights. It’s that simple. No need to wait for a VA to compile reports. GPT can analyze your CRM data in real time and give you actionable summaries instantly.

Advantage: GPT
For speed and real-time insights, GPT wins. With a VA, you’d still be waiting for reports.

2. Business Insights (BI)

Business insights go beyond raw data—they’re about understanding trends and making strategic decisions. In the past, sales teams relied on VAs to pull together reports, analyze numbers, and give recommendations. Now, with GPTs, you can ask specific, complex questions like "Who’s the top seller by revenue in the last quarter?" or "Which accounts are at risk?"

Try asking a VA to do that in seconds! GPT gives you instant access to critical business insights that can make or break your next move.

Advantage: GPT
While VAs can manually compile data, GPT delivers immediate, deeper insights, letting you focus on strategy rather than paperwork.

3. Conversational Insights (CI)

In the age of remote work and virtual meetings, conversational insights are crucial for improving sales performance. Companies often hire VAs to listen to recorded sales calls, extract key information, and generate summaries or feedback. This is valuable, but time-consuming and prone to human error.

Conversational AI, however, can listen to a call, compare it against your sales scripts and discovery questions, and immediately highlight areas where the conversation deviated. Zoom, for example, can automatically generate transcripts that you can feed into GPT to evaluate how well the salesperson handled objections, followed the script, and executed the call-to-action.

Advantage: GPT
Real-time insights and analysis beat manual labor every time. GPT ensures no detail is missed.

4. Customer Success (CS)

Traditionally, customer success has been the domain of VAs and customer service reps, who reach out to clients, follow up on issues, and ensure satisfaction. But imagine an AI that can have real conversations with customers—checking in on their needs, resolving issues, and offering solutions in real time.

GPT-powered tools are advancing rapidly in this space. AI can handle hundreds of conversations simultaneously, something no VA could ever do. It’s not just about answering FAQs anymore—it’s about building ongoing customer relationships with GPT-driven insights and actions.

Advantage: GPT
For managing large volumes of customer interactions, AI outperforms VAs with scale, speed, and accuracy.

5. Personality Profiling and Lead Preparation (PP)

Knowing your customer before you even speak to them is critical for closing deals. In the past, sales teams hired VAs to dig up information on leads—checking social media, preparing personality profiles, and suggesting the best way to approach them. But with GPT, this task has been taken to a whole new level.

Tools like Crystal Knows or GPT-driven applications can automatically scan online profiles and provide a full DISC personality profile for each lead. In just a few clicks, you know who you’re dealing with and how to tailor your pitch. Plus, it’s automated, so you’re never waiting on a VA to finish the research.

Advantage: GPT
Automated personality profiling is faster, more accurate, and gives sales teams a competitive edge in their lead prep.

6. General Tasks (GT): Tasks, Campaigns, and Presentations

General tasks like scheduling, running email campaigns, and creating presentations are essential but time-consuming. VAs have been handling these tasks for years, but now GPT is stepping in with game-changing capabilities.

Need six follow-up emails scheduled across multiple days? GPT can write and automate the whole sequence in seconds. Need a sales presentation? GPT can pull together all the key points, structure the slides, and deliver a polished deck in under 20 minutes. VAs are still useful for manual work, but GPT is unbeatable when speed and consistency matter.

Advantage: GPT
For repetitive tasks and quick campaign setups, GPT saves hours of time that sales teams can use to close more deals.

7. CRM Management (CM)

Let’s talk CRM management, the backbone of any sales team. VAs can handle basic CRM updates, but this is grunt work that GPT can automate entirely. Why have someone manually add fields, update records, or send reports when GPT can do it faster, with fewer errors?

Imagine this: you connect GPT to your CRM and simply instruct it to add a user, update a sequence, or generate a report. It’s done in seconds. CRM management shouldn’t require human labor—it should be fully automated to give sales teams more time to sell.

Advantage: GPT
For automating CRM management, GPT offers scalability and efficiency that a VA just can’t match.

Conclusion: GPT Takes the Crown

While VAs have traditionally been the go-to solution for handling sales grunt work, GPT is quickly overtaking them in terms of speed, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. GPT can analyze data, manage tasks, generate insights, and even manage customer relationships in ways that VAs simply can’t compete with.

At CF Closers, we believe that every sales team should have a CRM that provides 100% visibility 24/7 while automating 90% of the work. Let’s get your sales team to that level of efficiency! We build, train, and support you through the entire process. Ready to get started? Click here to learn more.

Helping Companies Build & Manage Commission Only Sales Teams by Providing All-Done-For-You Solution so you can Scale your Revenue while Spending More Time Working on your Business Instead of in your Business!

Keith Harrison

Helping Companies Build & Manage Commission Only Sales Teams by Providing All-Done-For-You Solution so you can Scale your Revenue while Spending More Time Working on your Business Instead of in your Business!

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