7 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Automate for Your Sales Team

7 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Automate for Your Sales Team

September 15, 20244 min read

7 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Automate for Your Sales Team


Sales teams face endless administrative tasks that pull them away from their core function: closing deals. Whether you're a sales manager or a high-performing closer, it’s time to consider the game-changing power of automation. From calendars to CRM data entry, automation can streamline operations, allowing your team to focus on what truly matters—selling.

Here are some things you probably didn’t know you could automate for your sales team.

1. What Calendars to Use When

It always comes down to this question: What’s the next step? Typically, it’s scheduling a follow-up call. But, when your sales team has multiple calendars—whether for different call types or sources—you need a more efficient way to navigate them.

Most CRMs allow you to build formulas that automatically show the correct calendar based on the opportunity’s stage or source. Imagine having the right calendar appear in the corner, ready to go, without searching through folders or clicking multiple buttons.

Automation simplifies this process and saves time. It’s like discovering fire for sales teams who often juggle multiple calendars. Why waste time when you can automate it?

2. Automate from Slack

Many sales teams rely on Slack for internal communication, yet they think everyone must be a CRM user to trigger workflows. Guess what? You can automate from Slack without needing full CRM access!

For example, a support team member or VA doesn’t need full CRM access to upload files or update information. You can build simple forms directly within Slack to execute workflows, allowing non-CRM users to assist the sales team. Slack has its own workflow automations, making it an essential tool for streamlining your sales process.

3. Automate from Email

Did you know you can automate directly from your email, too? When working with campaigns, leads, or customer interactions, you can set up automation triggers based on specific keywords or phrases in emails.

Let’s say an email with a lead or inquiry comes in. As long as you have the right keyword or phrase, you can build an automation that pulls the data into your CRM, creates a lead, and even assigns tasks to your sales team. Imagine cutting down the manual entry and giving your team instant visibility into new leads. It’s all possible with email automation.

4. Automated CRM Data Entry for Anything!

Can you automate that? Yes! You can automate virtually anything in your CRM. Whether it’s updating a deal’s stage after a no-show or notifying a team member via Slack, the possibilities are endless.

There’s no need for sales teams to handle mundane tasks manually anymore. A simple click can trigger a sequence of updates, emails, and notifications. In fact, I challenge anyone to find a manual task that can’t be automated within a modern CRM. If you think something can’t be automated, let me know—I’ll show you how.

5. Customized CRM for Each Salesperson

Did you know that each salesperson can have a customized CRM experience? You can tailor the layout and user interface to suit the preferences of each team member, making it more enjoyable and intuitive for them to use.

Allowing salespeople to design their own CRM experience improves their workflow and removes excuses for not filling in their CRM data. When they feel like the CRM is theirs, they’re more likely to use it correctly. For just a few minutes of set-up time, you can customize the CRM to each salesperson’s liking, empowering them to own their workflow.

6. CRM Chasing Salespeople to Complete Their CRM Data for You

Why not let automation chase down your salespeople? Instead of constantly reminding them to fill in missing data, complete tasks, or follow up on leads, you can automate reminders and updates.

With a dashboard that gives you real-time visibility into what’s happening, you can keep tabs on what’s being filled out and what’s still pending. Automations can even send personalized notifications to your team when something needs their attention. So, rather than chasing after your sales team, let the CRM do it for you.

7. Get Your Biggest Questions Answered On-Demand

How often do you, as a business owner or sales manager, ask, What’s going on with these accounts? Who are our top deals? What’s likely to close this week? These are common questions—and they can be automated.

By integrating business intelligence into your CRM, you can create dashboards that provide real-time answers to your most pressing questions. Connect a few systems, set up the necessary triggers, and get the answers you need on demand. No more pestering your sales manager—just check the dashboard.


Sales teams should focus on closing deals, not performing repetitive tasks. From automating calendars and emails to chasing salespeople for CRM data, automation is transforming the way sales teams operate. Each of these examples shows that there’s no limit to what you can automate, helping you create a more efficient, productive team.

At CF Closers, we believe that every sales team should have 100% visibility in their CRM 24/7 while automating 90% of the work.
💥Less work for the sales team means more time to sell

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Helping Companies Build & Manage Commission Only Sales Teams by Providing All-Done-For-You Solution so you can Scale your Revenue while Spending More Time Working on your Business Instead of in your Business!

Keith Harrison

Helping Companies Build & Manage Commission Only Sales Teams by Providing All-Done-For-You Solution so you can Scale your Revenue while Spending More Time Working on your Business Instead of in your Business!

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